
March 2025
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13 April 2022: A Bunch of Daffodils for GMB…

Twenty-six years ago (on 13 April 1996), the soul of GMB passed over the Rainbow Bridge .. he is very well remembered ! Iain & Margaret

13 April 1996… in Kirkwall Hospital, at 5.50 p.m., George Mackay Brown, left for his last journey. Did GMB actually left, I’m not sure. So deeply rooted was the […]

Mike Tomkies’s life ‘Between Earth & Paradise”…

After a rich life of adventures, from the mundane circles of Hollywood where he spent years writing about the biggest movie stars of the world to the wilderness where he finally chose to retire ‘Between Earth and Paradise’, Mike Tomkies, the unforgettable master of Moobli, died on October 6th 2016. Maybe Moobli and Mike’s friends […]

Unicorn Mercat Crosses in Scottish Towns

Dundee Mercat Cross © 2006 Scotiana

Having travelled many times around Scotland, I noticed that many Scottish towns have a unicorn carved on the pinnacle of its ‘Merkat’ Cross.

Why so?…

Because the ‘Mercat’ (market) cross was the traditional heart of the burgh and although we now look at the unicorns as a […]

“Where Duty Lies .. .. “



George’s dog learning the tricks of the trade © Scotiana

Working dogs, careless of their own safety, ignore danger on the roads. It’s always with an immense pleasure that we receive a new Letter from Scotland so kindly written by Iain and Margaret. Each ‘letter’ is a wonderful gem, a true […]

Wojtek the bear: a beloved Polish veteran in Scotland…


Hi everybody,

Bonne et heureuse année à tous les fans d’Ecosse! Puissent vos pas vous mener en 2013 jusqu’à la belle Alba !

This year, more than ever, we’re going to share with you our love for Scotland. While 2012 had been designated ‘Year of Creative Scotland’, 2013 is going to […]