
March 2025
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Authors and books that will make you love Scotland…

January… February…what about sitting by the fireside with a good book when it’s freezing cold outside and the wind is howling ;-). Add to that a cup of tea, coffee or chocolate and you’ll begin to like winter! Unless, of course, you prefer to go out and face the elements. I must admit that when […]

Kenneth White: a Geopoetical Legacy to the World – Part I…

Kenneth White n’est plus…

The great Scottish-French poet and visionary thinker passed away peacefully, at the age of 87, on the night of 11 August 2023, in Gwenved, the house he had lived in with his wife Marie-Claude for fourty years, in the Côtes d’Armor, Brittany. All our thoughts are with his lifelong companion to […]

Towards new open spaces with Kenneth White …

”Kenneth White is an absolutely genial and visionary Scottish-French author, an inspired and inspiring poet, essayist, traveller and philosopher who created the concept of ‘geopoetics’* and the International Institute of Geopoetics* in 1989.

I first heard about Kenneth White years ago at Bordeaux Montaigne University when I began a late and short cursus of English […]

Birthday Centenary of George Mackay Brown…

Born on 17 October 1921, in Stromness, Orkney, George Mackay Brown, “The Bard of Orkney” would be a hundred years old today. We would like to join his many fans all over the world to celebrate this anniversary and pay homage to the great Scottish poet.

As one of the leading Scottish poets and authors […]

Waverley Novels: Guy Mannering or The Astrologer (1815)

As soon as I received the last issue of The Scots Magazine (August 2021) I browsed through its pages to read the two articles devoted to Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) for his 250th birthday anniversary, on 15 August 2021.

“How you can mark 250 years of Sir Walter Scott” … I read on the magazine’s […]