
March 2025
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Authors and books that will make you love Scotland…

January… February…what about sitting by the fireside with a good book when it’s freezing cold outside and the wind is howling ;-). Add to that a cup of tea, coffee or chocolate and you’ll begin to like winter! Unless, of course, you prefer to go out and face the elements. I must admit that when […]

A Map of Edinburgh in Alexander McCall Smith’s 44 Scotland Street…


Edinburgh Festival Fringe Information 180 High Street © 2006 Scotiana

Hi everybody,

We don’t live in Edinburgh and, as the number of our visits there happen to be rather limited, our vision of this fascinating city owes much to our readings, each of them adding its little touch to the sense of […]

Alexander McCall Smith’s Pictorial Book Covers

Hi Mairiuna!

First, let me tell you that I absolutely fell in love with Arnold Lobel’s illustration “Books to the Ceiling” that we can see inside your post: “First Steps in Alexander McCall Smith’s 44 Scotland Street… Very original rendering of a house full of books!

As we are both great book lovers, no wonder […]

First Steps in Alexander McCall Smith’s 44 Scotland Street…



"Books to the Ceiling" illustration Arnold Lobel Whiskers & Rhymes Greenwillow Books 1985


Books to the ceiling, books to the sky. My piles of books are a mile high. How I love them! How I need them!

(Arnold Lobel – Whiskers & Rhyme)

Summer Reading: Alexander McCall Smith’s 44 Scotland Street



'Girl stands in a field reading her book' Harold Knight (1874-1961)


Hi everybody!

With autumn already touching our gardens and woods with its warm colours, it may seem a little late to write a page about “summer reading” but isn’t it a good idea to make […]