
January 2025
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Sherlock Holmes’ Extraordinary Powers of Observation

Moving time! As I was packing my books for the move, I came across my Sherlock Holmes beloved printed editions and found interesting to recall that Sherlock Holmes was inspired by Joseph Bell, a doctor and mentor to Arthur Conan Doyle.

Queen Victoria

By the way, Joseph Bell served as Queen Victoria’s personal […]

Authors and books that will make you love Scotland…

January… February…what about sitting by the fireside with a good book when it’s freezing cold outside and the wind is howling ;-). Add to that a cup of tea, coffee or chocolate and you’ll begin to like winter! Unless, of course, you prefer to go out and face the elements. I must admit that when […]

Notes about “Rob Roy” by Sir Walter Scott…

Going on with my reading notes about Sir Walter Scott’s books, the next in file on my chronological reading list is Rob Roy, one of his most famous novels which was published in December 1817. I’ve just finished it and it is still open on my desk together with a number of extremely interesting books […]

Nessie in Art : Fascinating History of Loch Ness Monster

Nessie in Art | The Loch Ness monster, or Nessie for short, is a cryptid (an animal such as Sasquatch that has been claimed to exist but never proven to exist) that is said to live in the murky depths of the Loch Ness Lake.

This mysterious, aquatic being has been the subject of many […]

The Garden of Cosmic Speculation in Scotland

Happy day very dear friends and loyal readers, 🙂

Gosh we are in for a treat today thanks to Mairiuna who informed me about a beautiful and spectacular garden located at Portrack House near Dumfries in Scotland: The Garden of Cosmic Speculation which opened in 1998, inspired by modern-day cosmological theories.

It incorporates sculptures, water […]