
March 2025
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Sherlock Holmes’ Extraordinary Powers of Observation

Moving time! As I was packing my books for the move, I came across my Sherlock Holmes beloved printed editions and found interesting to recall that Sherlock Holmes was inspired by Joseph Bell, a doctor and mentor to Arthur Conan Doyle.

Queen Victoria

By the way, Joseph Bell served as Queen Victoria’s personal […]

22 May 1859 : Birth of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in Edinburgh

22 May 2019

Today is the 160th birth anniversary of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle but not everybody knows that the father of Sherlock Holmes was born in Edinburgh. A beautiful bronze statue of the detective stands in Picardy Place at the top of Edinburgh’s Leith Walk just opposite the birthplace (demolished c. 1970) of Sir […]

Rebus: Consultant Detective in ‘Even Dogs In The Wild’ by Ian Rankin

Its no secret about how we all, here at, feel about Ian Rankin’s books featuring John Rebus adventures on the crime scenes of Edinburgh, but for those who may not know it…we LOVE Rebus!

To discover his complex character is simply fascinating and now, with his announced retirement and transitionning into a consultant […]

Inspector Rebus flat’s address on Arden Street finally revealed!

Remember reading in Rankin’s Inspector Rebus series that his famous detective, John Rebus, lived on Arden Street in the residental affluent area of Marchmont in Edinburgh?

Since that moment, all fans of Rebus were on a quest to discover the exact Arden Street’s flat number that was home to the much revered Scottish detective of […]

Inspector Sweeney, a new Scottish detective in Edinburgh…


(Keltia n° 23 – juin/août 2012 – Editions du Nemeton)

Open on my desk, at the very page of the article I’m going to write about today, lies the new issue of Keltia, one of my favourite French magazines which I’ve already mentioned in Scotiana. Indeed, I wrote an […]