
February 2025
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Scottish Castles Series : Linlithgow Palace

Linlithgow Palace is located in West Lothian about 15 miles (24 km) west of Edinburgh, off the M9. The name “Linlithgow” comes from the Old British and means “lake in the damp hollow”…

Linlithgow Castle and St Michael’s Church © 2007 Scotiana

Even if you have planned to go directly to Stirling Castle […]

1586: From her prison cell Mary Queen of Scots remembers…

On my desk is Alex Nye’s book For My Sins, a fascinating historical novel I’ve just finished reading. I recommend it to all people interested in Mary Stuart’s life. There are many books devoted to Mary Queen of Scots but this one is particularly moving since the narrator is Mary herself.


In […]

Places of interest in Kintyre: Saddell Abbey & Castle

In Norse, Saddell means “sandy valley” and the ruins of Saddell Abbey are situated in this lovely and quiet glen where the Saddell Water flows into the Kilbrannan Sound on the east coast of Kintyre. The beauty of the landscape around, the ruined abbey echoing times long past and the remarkable collection of medieval slabs […]

“Scotland can still emerge as the real winner”…


One week ago, on Wednesday 17 September, Scotland was about to live one of its greatest pages of history with most of the Scottish people feeling like on the eve of a battle. Indeed, the Scottish independence referendum WAS a battle, a peaceful battle but with big consequences, a battle between […]

YES or NO That’s the BIG question in Scotland today…


The Saltire and Union flags on Arthur’s Seat photo Carol McCabe in The Telegraph

YES or NO to become independent from the United Kingdom, that is the big question to be answered in Scotland today! A historical day indeed !

The above photo of the Saltire and the Union flags being raised […]