
March 2025
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Celebrating Hogmanay: Scotland’s Festive Toast to the New Year


As the last page of the calendar turns and we bid farewell to another year, Hogmanay celebrations are under way in Scotland, much like the Réveillon in Quebec and the Saint-Sylvestre celebrations in France, and these celebrations stands as beacons of cultural identity and tradition amidst the universal celebration of the New Year.



Happy Hogman-eh! a Canadianized twist…

Happy Hogmanay, Happy Hogman-eh, Happy New Year et Bonne Année 2023!

The Scottish word for New Year’s Eve, Hogmanay, refers to the ancient Norse festival of Yule, celebrated at the turn of the year.

Today, the New Year’s eve party in Edinburgh, is one of the grandest, most spectacular, and most extravagant street festivals […]

✨ New Year Blessings of Health, Peace, Wealth and Happiness! 🎄

Happy New Year 2022

Dear Friends and Readers,

⌛ Another year is gone…May the New Year 2022 bless you with health, peace, wealth and happiness!

Pretty much in all the largest cities of the world as in Scotland – Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Stirling and Inverness – all-night celebrations are traditionally held to welcome the New Year.

The Edinburgh Hogmanay […]

Happy Spooky Halloween

Halloween october 31 samhain

Happy Spooky Halloween Dear Friends!

I know its an old-fashioned holiday that actually dates back many centuries, but nice to recall that Halloween actually originates from Scotland.

Back then it was called Samhain, a Gaelic and Pagan commemoration of the end of the harvest season. The celebration is mentioned in Celtic literature over two thousand […]

Happy Hogmanay!

The countdown to 2020 is well and truly on…..A guid New Year to ane an` a` and mony may ye see!

Happy Hogmanay from Scotiana! Our team wishes you all the very best of Scottish travels in 2020 and throughout its decennial 🙂