
March 2025
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Notes about the Oscar Slater Case: the Glasgow Murder…



It is impossible to read and weigh the facts in connection with the conviction of Oscar Slater in May, 1909, at the High Court in Edinburgh, without feeling deeply dissatisfied with the proceedings, and morally certain that justice was not done

(Conan Doyle – ‘The Case […]

Oscar Slater is Set Free ..

Bonjour Janice, Marie-Agnès et Jean-Claude – Hello again from Scotland! 🙂 I think you once told me, Janice, that our posts on Oscar Slater were among the most-read here at Scotiana – some people, I’m sure, may find it almost impossible to believe that such a shocking story could be true! Quite […]

Scotiana’s First Ten “Letters from Scotland” !

One of George Mackay Brown’s favourite words was marvellous. He used it about the weather, his friends, music, the Dounby Show, the landscape, and about his penn’orth of sweeties and The Hotspur comic for boys. He thought it an intense word, shorthand for the kind of state described by poets such as Dylan Thomas, Muir […]

Reflections on the Oscar Slater Affair …

Bonjour! Hello again from Scotland, Janice, Marie-Agnès and Jean-Claude!

Margaret and I would like to begin this first ‘Letter’ of 2011 by sending you all our very best wishes for the New Year. Janice, we send particular greetings and our kindest thoughts to your dear Papa, Jean-Paul, who’s been quite unwell recently.

Detective-Lieutenant […]

Monstrous Conspiracy that condemned the innocent Oscar Slater (1909) ..

Bonjour Marie-Agnes, Janice et Jean-Claude! Hello again from Scotland!

Hotel Marbella, Biarritz – September 2010 © Scotiana 2010

Please let me begin today, Marie-Agnes et Jean-Claude, by recalling that joyful, sunny day in late summer when Margaret and I met you for the first time, at Biarritz on the Atlantic coast. 🙂 From […]