
March 2025
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Stamp Collecting with George Mackay Brown

young stamp collector

Hi and welcome back !

While chatting with my dear friend Mairiuna about stamp collecting, a topic we love to share upon as we are both fans of those miniature work of art, she mentioned George Mackay Brown’s interest in collecting stamps.

By all means! Having travelled through many of his books I was surprised […]

Happy Spooky Halloween

Halloween october 31 samhain

Happy Spooky Halloween Dear Friends!

I know its an old-fashioned holiday that actually dates back many centuries, but nice to recall that Halloween actually originates from Scotland.

Back then it was called Samhain, a Gaelic and Pagan commemoration of the end of the harvest season. The celebration is mentioned in Celtic literature over two thousand […]

GB Historic Scotland Archeology Postage Stamp Design Error

Hello dear friends!

I was tidying up some philatelic files and came across this beautiful booklet of ten (10) postage stamps depicting Scottish archeological sites, issued by Great Britain, for exclusive sale by Historic Scotland.

I don’t remember at which property I bought same as there are over 300 properties in the care of Historic […]

John Maclean Scottish Socialist featured on Russian Postage Stamp

russia postage stamp kojn maclean

Scott 4770

In my ongoing quest of postage stamps relating to Scotland, I stumbled upon this enigmatic russian stamp issued in 1979 to commemorate the 100th birth anniversary of John Maclean, a Scottish schoolteacher and revolutionary socialist of the Red Clydeside era.

I googled his name and discovered that he was born in […]

Surprising Scottish Inventions

Lawn Mower Scottish Inventions

Would you be surprised if I told you that the lawn mower was a Scotttish invention?

I was! Even though I knew that Scottish ingenuity is source of numerous inventions.

Lawns were first kept clean and tidy by having animals graze on the grass, or by the use of scythe, sickle, or shears to hand-cut […]