
February 2025
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Ever heard about fire plants?

A rare species! 😉

Check them out in the video below and be wowed by magnificent light displays.

Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden Christmas ©2019 Scotiana

“Why didn’t the gardener plant any flowers? Because he hadn’t botany.”


Enjoy! Janice


Noah’s Ark Automaton Clock in Inverness

Indeed Mairiuna, the beautiful automaton clock that we had the privilege to view inside the Eastgate Shopping Centre depicting Noah’s Ark provide a special moment that all, adults and childrens, enjoy. It moves into action at noon sharp every day. On each hour the clock diorama also plays an animal themed song and a single […]

Scotiana’s favourite places on North Coast 500: Inverness…

In 2015, to attract more visitors to the most northern part of the Scottish Highlands and to stimulate local trade and cultural activities, the North Highland Initiative (NHI), set up by Prince Charles, decided to launch the NC500 road (North Coast 500) . Hardly had it been created that, in 2015, the new touring road, […]

Unicorn Mercat Crosses in Scottish Towns

Dundee Mercat Cross © 2006 Scotiana

Having travelled many times around Scotland, I noticed that many Scottish towns have a unicorn carved on the pinnacle of its ‘Merkat’ Cross.

Why so?…

Because the ‘Mercat’ (market) cross was the traditional heart of the burgh and although we now look at the unicorns as a […]

Dundee: ‘One City, Many Discoveries’…


Dundee from the other side of the Tay Bridge © 2006 Scotiana

Dundee, one of Scotland’s seven cities, has acquired a few names over the years:

‘Jute, Jam and Journalism’

‘One City, Many Discoveries’,

‘UNESCO City of Design’.

Scotland seven “cities” […]