
March 2025
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Sherlock Holmes’ Extraordinary Powers of Observation

Moving time! As I was packing my books for the move, I came across my Sherlock Holmes beloved printed editions and found interesting to recall that Sherlock Holmes was inspired by Joseph Bell, a doctor and mentor to Arthur Conan Doyle.

Queen Victoria

By the way, Joseph Bell served as Queen Victoria’s personal […]

Discovering the Scottish Borders with Alistair Moffat…

“I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book’

(J. K Rowling)

I can’t but agree with J.K. Rowling for this is exactly how I feel when I’m reading a good book, especially if it is a book about Scotland. As a great fan […]

Authors and books that will make you love Scotland…

January… February…what about sitting by the fireside with a good book when it’s freezing cold outside and the wind is howling ;-). Add to that a cup of tea, coffee or chocolate and you’ll begin to like winter! Unless, of course, you prefer to go out and face the elements. I must admit that when […]

Notes about “Old Mortality” by Sir Walter Scott…

When Janice and I made our promise to Sir Walter Scott to read all his books, we certainly did not realise the magnitude of the task 😉 How many books did the great Scottish author write, I could not tell exactly but what I do know is that there are many of them! 😉

Today, […]

Samuel Smiles – Scottish Self-Help Pioneer

‘Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself’.~ William Faulkner

While skimming through the SCOTS Heritage Magazine tucked into the bookshelf, I was inspired to pick up a copy with a very colorful cover featuring Jamie Macnab, the 24th Chief of Clan Macnab.

Not so […]