
March 2025
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Notes about “Rob Roy” by Sir Walter Scott…

Going on with my reading notes about Sir Walter Scott’s books, the next in file on my chronological reading list is Rob Roy, one of his most famous novels which was published in December 1817. I’ve just finished it and it is still open on my desk together with a number of extremely interesting books […]

Notes about “Old Mortality” by Sir Walter Scott…

When Janice and I made our promise to Sir Walter Scott to read all his books, we certainly did not realise the magnitude of the task 😉 How many books did the great Scottish author write, I could not tell exactly but what I do know is that there are many of them! 😉

Today, […]

Discovering the Scottish Borders: “Peel towers”…

Recently, I came across a very interesting article published by Holly Kirkwood in the magazine Country Life. In this article Holly Kirkwood draws our attention to the so-called “peel-towers”, a type of construction typical of the Scottish Borders. “There are more than 100 peel towers in various states of repair and ruin scattered […]

Notes about ‘The Black Dwarf’ by Sir Walter Scott…

Dear readers,

Here we are again, at the beginning of a new year, hoping for the best in the coming months. Given the sanitary situation we still don’t know when we will be allowed to return to Scotland. En attendant des jours meilleurs I try to compensate my frustrations by browsing our pictures of […]

Notes about “The Antiquary” by Sir Walter Scott…

Dear readers,

Autumn is back with its gorgeous colours and shorter days. A good time for fireside reading and for me to go on with my promise to Sir Walter Scott to read all his books. A promise that seems to be well on its way though I still feel like the climber at the […]