
February 2025
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15 August 2021: Happy Birthday Sir Walter!!!

Today, 15 August 2021, is a keydate on the Scottish calendar. It is the 250th birthday of Sir Walter Scott, one of the most popular authors in Scotland and his popularity goes far beyond its frontiers. As one of his French admirers, I could not help writing a few lines on Scotiana today. How I […]

Celebrating the 250th birthday anniversary of Walter Scott

On April 16th 2021, I decided (at last) to fulfill the promise we made a few years ago to Sir Walter Scott during one of our unforgettable visits at Abbotsford in the Scottish Borders… […]

Sir Walter Scott’s ‘Kenilworth’: a strange blacksmith…


(Kenilworth by Walter Scott, French edition adapted by Emile Pech, Boivin & Cie Editeurs 1929)

Hi everybody,

I’m still reading Sir Walter Scott’s Kenilworth, greatly enjoying this travel back in time to Merry Old England in company of a colourful team of characters (*) and following with much anticipation […]

Re-discovering Sir Walter Scott’s novels: KENILWORTH…


What a good idea, Janice, to have drawn our attention to Kenilworth, one of the famous historical novels by Sir Walter Scott. I’m a great admirer of ‘The Magician of the North’ and I’ve not forgotten our promise to read all his books when we visited his home at Abbotsford, I […]

Behind Long-Loved Fables Are Great Stories!

Indeed, behind long-loved fables of gallants and fairy tales, are great stories, but … are they true?

Let’s take for example the fable about Sir Walter Raleigh, a very handsome gentleman, quick-witted gallant, who’s story is said to have laid down his cloak over a mud puddle when Elizabeth I, Queen of England passing […]