
March 2025
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Discover Sir Walter Scott’s Memorabilia Collection Inside Abbotsford…


Box stand by Joseph Shillinglaw, Darnick, Broxburghshire - Abbotsford

Box stand by Joseph Shillinglaw, Darnick, Broxburghshire - Abbotsford

Hi Mairiuna!  I’m back online and must tell you that reading your great post about Sir Walter Scott’s romantic home, Abbotsford, brought back to mind the great number of memorable, historical and valuable objects we saw when visiting the many rooms of his beloved house.

Library Room - Abbotsford

Library Room - Abbotsford © 2001 Scotiana

Let alone the magnificent library which contains more than 7,000 books, I was amazed by all the memorabilia that Sir Walter acquired during his life!  Below are just a sample of what can be found inside this venerable place of pilgrimage. He was known for being a compulsive collector and we can relate to that ;-).

Abbotsford - Sir Walter Scott - Memorabilia

Abbotsford - Sir Walter Scott - Memorabilia © 2006 Scotiana

In Abbotsford library, there is a superb octogonal showcase containing a lock of Bonnie Prince Charlie’s hair, Napoleon’s gold cloak clasp, Marie Stuart’s crucifix and various other objects collected from friends and relations of Walter Scott also known as the Wizard of the North“.

Pocket Book Worked By Flora MacDonald

Pocket Book Worked By Flora MacDonald © 2006 Scotiana

It is said that the keys of Lochleven Castle, thrown into the loch after the escape of Mary Queen of Scots are on display, but I don’t recall seeing them, nor did we took photo of same. Does that ring a bell to you, Mairiuna?

Inside Abbotsford - Sir Walter Scott Home

Armoury Room - Abbotsford - Scotland - © 2006 Scotiana

In other rooms, we can see weapons, suits of armour, coat-of-arms, hunting trophies, paintings, antiquarian furniture and so much more, that it takes more than a day to discover all the treasures.

Lord Byron Urn Offered To Sir Walter Scott

Lord Byron Silver Urn Offered To Sir Walter Scott © 2006 Scotiana

Just for the fun of it,  let’s showcase some of the items that are part of Scotiana’s “Sir Walter Scott memorabilia collection” and other affordable items we would like to acquire as well!

Commemorative Documents

Sir Walter Scott Centenary Edinburg 1932 in Waverley market

Walter Scott Souvenir Programme of Pageant


Old Postcard of Abbotsford - Home of Sir Walter Scott- Scotland

Old postcard depicting Sir Walter Scott and his dog Maida

Old postcard depicting Sir Walter Scott and his dog Maida

Chromo Cards

Chromo Melrose Chocolat Guerin-Boutron

Measurements: 10.5cm x 6cm (4" x 2.5" )

Chromolithography is a method for making multi-color prints. This type of color printing stemmed from the process of lithography, and it includes all types of lithography that are printed in color.

When chromolithography is used to reproduce photographs, the term photochrom is frequently used.

Chromolithography replaced coloring prints by hand, and eventually served as a replica of a real painting. Lithographers sought to find a way to print on flat surfaces with the use of chemicals instead of relief or intaglio printing. Depending on the number of colors present, a chromolithograph could take months to produce.

To make what was once referred to as a “chromo”, a lithographer – using a finished painting as a model – gradually built and corrected the print to look as much as possible like the painting in front of him, sometimes using dozens of layers.

The process can be very time-consuming and cumbersome, contingent upon the skill of the lithographer.

Source: Wikipedia

A multitude of items can fit into a collection related to “Everything Sir Walter Scott” and we would be delighted to add many more to ours (with no objection to amass duplicates of the pound bills ;-)).


Sir Walter Scott on Bank of Scotland  20 £ banknote

The front of the note features Sir Walter Scott and the Bank’s Edinburgh Head office… Scott is an apt choice.

In 1826, the Government proposed to abolish the £1 note. Scott, in the guise of ‘Malachi Malagrowther’, wrote three letters to the Edinburgh Weekly Journal. In these he argued the case for Scottish banks retaining their own note issue. The letters were a huge success, stirring up public support across Scotland. Within weeks, the Government backed down.

(Take Note – A History of Scottish Banknotes)

Postage Stamps and philatelic items

Sir Walter Scott - Abbotsford on GB First Day Cover

200th Anniversary of Sir Walter Scott - Great Britain - Official First Day Cover - 1971 -

Great Britain FDC Literary Anniversaries Stamp Issues

Literary Anniversaries Stamp Issues -Great Britain - 2006 Official First Day Cover

Talk soon,


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