
March 2025
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Edinburgh Airport break records!


Since it is not everyday that great events are spread amongst the news broadcasting networks, I’m happy to share a great moment in time here on Scotiana’s blog, in case you missed it when it came out.

Edinburgh Airport is now the first Scottish airport to handle more than 10 million passengers over a 12 month period!  Wow...10 million passengers, that’s a lot of people!!

In July 2014 alone, close to 1 million passengers went through its Terminal.

Imagine the logistics to control and secure these transits…… Ain’t that impressive? I surely think so 🙂


Here’s an extract of the press release:

‘Following its record-breaking summer last year, Scotland’s busiest airport has eclipsed its previous July passenger total, making it the first airport in Scottish history to reach this milestone.

A total of 1,104,264 people passed through the airport last month – an increase of 1.8% on the same period in 2013. International passenger numbers saw an increase of 4.0% on the previous year with 661,220 passengers. Domestic passenger saw a slight decrease of 1.3% with 443,044 people.

These figures represent another step in Edinburgh Airport’s journey to continue growing by providing Scottish passengers with the very best choice of destinations.’

(…)  “The next few weeks and months will be hugely exciting for us as we welcome passengers from all over the world to Scotland for our famous festivals and the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles.  We’re also nearing completion of our brand new terminal extension which should be operational from October, offering our passengers a more efficient and enjoyable airport experience.”

Read full article

Edinburgh Airport Bus

Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland has numerous attractions, above grounds and undergrounds, to offer to the visitors that carry on their journey into the city once they arrive. Let’s take a look at some of the most attractive and popular.

We will start with the Top 10 sites that Mairiuna, Jean-Claude and myself have considered being ‘a must’ in case time is of essence.

Click on the two following links to get to the listings:

Scotiana’s Top 10 in Edinburgh – Part 1

Scotiana’s Top 10 in Edinburgh – Part 2

View of Salisbury Crags from Calton Hill, Edinburgh

View of Salisbury Crags from Calton Hill, Edinburgh

You might also want to check out these other articles written by Mairiuna that will guide you around this mysterious city, from its Old Town to the New Town. Click on the links below:

The Old Town of Edinburgh.

 The New Town of Edinburgh



Oh! and by the way…if you’re a fan of Ian Rankin, you will not want to miss the literary tour of Ian Rankin’s famous fictional detective, Rebus, guided by Colin Brown in the  Rebus Tour! 🙂 Click on the following link for all details:

Walking In The Steps of Ian Rankin’s Famous Inspector Rebus

Colin Brown - Guide on Rebus Tours

Colin Brown – Guide on Rebus Tours



You can even follow along with this virtual map indicating all the related places encountered in the several books of the Rebus’s series 🙂

We took a challenge, Mairiuna and I, to read all the Ian Rankin’s Rebus book series before our next trip to Scotland. We even play games with them. Let’s say we read the same chapter…we then ask questions to one another about what happen in that chapter.

Surprisingly enough, more than once, I did not pick up a detail where Mairiuna did, and her questions allowed me to be aware of things I would have completely missed otherwise. And vice-versa. It makes the reading so much more fun! You might want to try it out. Find a person that will read the book at the same time you do and quiz it up. 🙂

Could not resist to create a mosaic with some of the book covers of the Rebus series, just for the pleasure of the eyes.

Inspector John Rebus - Ian Rankin - Mystery Crime Novels

An Inspector Rebus Novel – Ian Rankin – Orion Paperback Series

We even have, on our bookshelves,  multiple copies of the same book but with a different cover or dust jacket. 🙂 Can seem crazy, but we love it!

Enjoy your visit and do not hesitate to share your comments below.

Happy touring,

Janice 🙂


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