Books books books! What insatiable bookworms we are, Janice, “de vrais rats de bibliothèque” as we would say in France. Are we going to become like Inspector Rebus? Remember what Ian Rankin has written about him in Knots & Crosses?
Rebus collected unread books. Once upon a time, he had actually read the books that he bought, but these days he seemed to have so little time. Also, he was more discriminating now than he had been then, back in the old days when he would read a book to its bitter end whether he liked it or not. These days, a book he disliked was unlikely to last ten pages of his concentration.
These were the books that lay around his living-room. His books for reading tended to congregate in the bedroom, lying in co-ordinated rows on the floor like patients in a doctor’s waiting-room. One of these days he would take a holiday, would rent a cottage in the Highlands or on the Fife coast, and would take with him all of these waiting-to-be-read or reread books, all of that knowledge that could be his for the breaking open of a cover.
By the way, do Inspector Rebus’s fans remember what is his favourite book ?
To rent a cottage in Scotland!
Dear Inspector Rebus 🙂 Is that not exactly what we would need to cope with our own pile of unread books?
Let us think things over, Janice. What about a holiday in some remote island of the Hebrides? Or..wait a moment… beautiful landscapes… a peaceful atmosphere…our favourite bookshop just round the corner (in case we would lack books 😉 … and, last but not least, Kevin and Simon, the most friendly booksellers (and publishers) we happened to meet in Scotland.
YES… let’s go to Durness!

Kevin & Simon cheerfully welcoming us in their bookshop
We’ll call at Loch Croispol Bookshop and Restaurant.
Hey, not only food for thought there!

The Mitchell Library Entrance Hall -Books Exhibition - 2007
YES ! We’ll soon go there, but until then, back to our unforgettable visit to The Mitchell Library.
The first thing we did on entering this temple of knowledge was to take pictures of all the books which were on display there.
A good way, we thought, to get an idea of what Glaswegians and Scottish people were reading. We should be able to establish a list of them very soon.
But it’s time to go out, the library is closing !
How majestic and impressive this Greek style building is with its imposing statues representing literature, painting, architecture and music.

The Mitchell Library Dome - Learning - "Mrs Mitchell"
The bronze statue on the library’s beautiful dome, was sculpted by Thomas John Clapperton (1879-1962) and it does represent “Learning” but Glaswegians affectionately call it “Mrs Mitchell” just to remind us that though Stephen Mitchell never married, he did live in good company!
Scottish people are well known for their sense of humour but also for their pragmatism. Look carefully at the picture below.

The Mitchell Library - Outside Wall Statue-2007
What do you think this gentleman holds in his hands ?
Not pencils, birds could tell you.
A new version of the old story of the thistle ?
A bientôt !
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