With 39 different local times in use, it takes 26 hours for the New Year to encompass all time zones 😉
Happy Hogmanay to our Scottish friends!
“Each age has deemed the new-born year ‘The fittest time for festal cheer’. ” — Walter Scott
Bonne Année à nos amis de la France et du Québec!
“Saluons ensemble cette nouvelle année qui vieillit notre amitié sans vieillir notre cœur.”~ Victor Hugo
Scotiana wishes you and your family a joyful,
bright, healthy,prosperous and happiest new year ahead!
Janice [from Quebec], Mairiuna and Jean-Claude [from France] always happy to travel Scotland 🙂
Iain and Margaret [from Scotland] always happy to travel France 🙂
and more over
always happy to be together!
Wow 26 hours eh, that is a long time and a really cool fact!