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Marshall Islands Celebrates the 400th Anniversary of King James Bible (1611-2011)

Mairiuna, on discovering that the news release by Marshall Islands was about the commemorative stamps issued to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of King James Bible, I immediately felt it could be an interesting subject for Scotiana and I tried to know more about this famous translation of the sacred book and its royal Scottish translator James Charles Stuart, who made such an impact on so many people in quest of the real meaning of  “God’s words” in their own language.

It is fascinating to learn that King James Bible is the most published book of Bible translation!

As an introduction to its famous story, click on the arrow below to watch the video and discover, how very long ago, it all came to form…

The Marshall Islands sheetlet of 12 stamps, celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, depicts the twelve (12) apostles, with the portrait of King James VI of Scotland (and James I of England) in the four corners of the salvage.

Apostle Andrew
Apostle Philip
Apostle Simon
Apostle James the Lesser
Apostle Paul
Apostle Matthew
Apostle James the Greater
Apostle Thaddeus
Apostle Peter
Apostle John
Apostle Bartholomew
Apostle Thomas


Marshall Islands - King James Bible 400th Ann -  Sheet 12 stamps

Marshall Islands - May 2,2011- King James Bible 400th Ann - Sheet 12 stamps

In 1567, James Charles Stuart was crowned King James VI of Scotland at the age of just 13 months. Reared by tutors, he became one of history’s most learned and intellectually curious monarchs. His writings were among the most influential of their period, and his book, — Basilicon Doron — or “the Kingly Gift” — became a bestseller. In 1603, he ascended to the English throne and became King James I of England as well.

Perhaps King James is best known for commissioning a new translation of the Holy Bible. The Authorized King James Version — begun in 1604 and completed in 1611 — has eclipsed all previous and subsequent versions of the Bible.

In 2011, the world celebrates the King James Bible’s 400th Anniversary.


Stamp designs ©2011 Marshall Islands Postal Service Authority. All rights reserved.


Bible Translation Timeline

Bible Translation Timeline - Source:

If you wish to read more about the fabulous story of King James Bible, hop over to the Official King James Bible Online website, into the section dedicated to the 400th Anniversary of King James Bible.

Enjoy and talk soon,



This review is from: Holy Bible King James Version Study Bible (Burgundy) (Leather Bound)

5.0 out of 5 stars Exceptional value!

by “rnf4118” (SW Oklahoma)
1. GENERAL EVALUATION: The intent purpose of a Study Bible is to give the reader assistance in understanding the scriptures through cross references, comments and exegesis carefully compiled by a board of theology scholars. There are many Study Bibles available, as you likely discovered [….] Each version and publisher differs to varying degrees. I own and use four Study Bibles. All my Study Bibles are very helpful.

The Holy Bible King James Version the King James Study Bible from Thomas Nelson Publishers is an outstanding value. [….]

2. FORMAT: The binding is genuine leather with gold color stamped letters. The page are also gold edged. The paper is high quality Bible paper and thin but not so thin that the printing on the reverse pages is distracting. This Bible is quite thick. The flexible leather covers are very helpful in holding the pages open for easy reading. A stiff cover might make the inside printing somewhat hard to see. The type font is large and very easy on the eyes.

The page format is the standard two column Bible arrangement with a third column between the main texts. The center column is a wealth of information. In the middle column, references to related scriptures are given. Also if an original Greek or Hebrew word has more than one meaning, that meaning is printed in the center column. There is more information in the center column that is too lengthy to describe in this review but a complete, clear explanation is given in the front section of this Bible. Suffice it say that the center column alone can indeed greatly expand the meaning of the texts.

Icons are used to clarify to what a note or comment refers. Doctrinal Footnotes Icons are used for systematic Biblical teachings. Personality Footnotes Icons give descriptions and information on persons in the Bible. Archeological Footnotes Icons refer you to information about places in the Bible and recent discoveries. These footnotes and icons are of significant help to the reader.

The Holy Bible King James Version the King James Study Bible differs from many Study Bibles in the format the notes are presented. The notes are, as with most Study Bibles, on the lower part of the scriptures pages. However, in many Study Bibles, you will see: See notes on Mt 4.16 as example. Turning to that reference can cause one to lose the train of thought. This is not so in The Holy Bible King James Version the King James Study Bible. In well over 90% of footnotes, all the information pertaining to the text is on that page – complete.

The expositors did an exceptional job of a running account of clarifying each verse! There are many references to the original meaning of Greek in the NT and Hebrew words and thoughts in the OT. This, alone, should help the reader gain a better understanding of the Bible.

Maps are included on the pages to which they relate.

3. CONCLUSIONS: Nelson’s comment, “The most comprehensive KJV Study Bible ever printed” is indeed accurate. The study notes and comments are, to say the least, profuse and in depth.

A word, if you will, on the debate over the King James Version. Some folks claim the King James Version is not an accurate translation. This is simply not true. This version is, in reality, quite precise. The basis of this opposition may well be in the language used in the 1600s when the King James Version Bible was translated. The word archaic language pops up in most debates. Archaic is not the proper word. POETIC is! The wording in the King James Version is lilting, flowing like a Mozart symphony. Archaic, no. Beautiful, yes. If you are one who thinks the King James Version is archaic, try reading the lines as you would a poem. Allow the words to sing the message.

– 4 – CONCLUSION: No mater what translation a person selects and/or prefers, they all tell the same time proven, enduring message.

To augment understanding of the Bible, I would suggest reading whatever version you prefer with a copy of The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. This book has Greek and Hebrew dictionaries. You do not have to know Greek or Hebrew to use the dictionaries. The words you want defined are looked up in the concordance in English and referenced by numbers in the Greek or Hebrew dictionaries. While the words are in Greek or Hebrew, they are also transliterated into English. […], this book is a real bargain.

I have no reservations in giving this exceptionally well-done Bible five stars.

I hope my comments are of some value to you.


The King James Study Bible

The King James Study Bible -Thomas Nelson (June 16, 1993) - 2,208 pages

4 comments to Marshall Islands Celebrates the 400th Anniversary of King James Bible (1611-2011)

  • pastor ronaldo s. ballonado

    Dear our beloved Pastor and local church,

    Greeting in the name our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

    May prayer for the Lord and your ministry continue in the grace of God. we write your ministry for requesting and need for the 5pcs od copy King James bible study and use for our work.

    We pray for the Lord to grant us free of charge the our faithful request the kjv bible , romans 8:28

    saved by his grace,
    pastor ronaldo s. ballonado
    calvary baptist church
    185t. sandico st.poblacion bocaue bulacan philipines 3018

  • Jay Franco

    I collect stamps related to Christianity and the faith, and was very impressed to see this stamp on the 12 Apostles released by Marshall Islands.

    How can I get this stamp so that I could add this piece of history to my humble collection? I hope someone out there would be able to help me get this stamp.

    Please advise and thanks!

    Jay Franco

  • Surely it must have been a great celebration, 400 years of Marshall Island, charming and marailly this blessed place.

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