
March 2025
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Mel Gibson in Braveheart : Alba gu bragh!

Absolutely Mairiuna , and it’s also the scottish gaelic name for Scotland  🙂

Have you seen Braveheart ?  If so, you surely remember the famous war cry  “Alba gu bragh! ” by William Wallace. It means something like « Scotland For Ever ».

What an emotionally charged performance Gibson gives us in this film!  An historical epic at its best.

Give me two seconds, while I grab the DVD and the VHS. I want to show you the picture covers.

Mel Gibson's Braveheart

Mel Gibson’s Braveheart

On the back cover of the DVD, the description reads:  William Wallace, the bold Scotsman, which by the fire of his intellect and the steel of his sword, rallied his countrymen to fight for liberation of the English occupation of Scotland.

Reminds me how I was moved by the film on display when visiting William Wallace Monument. It revived the 1320 historical moments when the Declaration of Arbroath was proclaimed. It became the Declaration of Scottish Independence.

Mel Gibson's Braveheart

Mel Gibson’s Braveheart

Look at the sword!  How impressive.. Do you think it’s the same we saw exhibited in the room ? I checked my photos but it seems I did not take a single picture of the sword.

Did you Mairiuna, or maybe your husband, Jean-Claude, managed to take one?

Let me know when you have a minute. It would be so cool.

Talk soon


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