
March 2025
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Postcards that set sail from St Kilda took ten years to reach destination

Bonjour Mairiuna et Jean-Claude, Iain and Margaret and loyal readers! 🙂

I’m very happy to contribute this article written from my home-based town of St- Jérôme in the province of Québec, Canada just before rusty oranges, golden yellows, and ruby reds of autumn transform the landscapes.

Autumn – Province of Quebec – @Scotiana2010


A Virtual Journey to the Scottish Islands of St Kilda …

The first time I heard about St Kilda islands was during a conference on Scotland given by Serge Oliéro on 17 January 2000. It was only a few months before our first Scottish journey. Serge Oliéro is the author of Terre d’Écosse which he dedicated to me with these words “Pour Marie-Agnès Bon voyage chez […]

Samuel Smiles – Scottish Self-Help Pioneer

‘Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself’.~ William Faulkner

While skimming through the SCOTS Heritage Magazine tucked into the bookshelf, I was inspired to pick up a copy with a very colorful cover featuring Jamie Macnab, the 24th Chief of Clan Macnab.

Not so […]

Towards new open spaces with Kenneth White …

”Kenneth White is an absolutely genial and visionary Scottish-French author, an inspired and inspiring poet, essayist, traveller and philosopher who created the concept of ‘geopoetics’* and the International Institute of Geopoetics* in 1989.

I first heard about Kenneth White years ago at Bordeaux Montaigne University when I began a late and short cursus of English […]

Stamp Collecting with George Mackay Brown

young stamp collector

Hi and welcome back !

While chatting with my dear friend Mairiuna about stamp collecting, a topic we love to share upon as we are both fans of those miniature work of art, she mentioned George Mackay Brown’s interest in collecting stamps.

By all means! Having travelled through many of his books I was surprised […]