
March 2025
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A Selection of Scottish Authors & Books for Christmas 2021

How am I to sing your praise, Happy chimney-corner days, Sitting safe in nursery nooks, Reading picture story-books?

(Robert Louis Stevenson – From A Child’s Garden of Verses)

I could not have found more charming lines to introduce my new selection of books for Christmas than the above verses written by Robert […]

Happy Spooky Halloween

Halloween october 31 samhain

Happy Spooky Halloween Dear Friends!

I know its an old-fashioned holiday that actually dates back many centuries, but nice to recall that Halloween actually originates from Scotland.

Back then it was called Samhain, a Gaelic and Pagan commemoration of the end of the harvest season. The celebration is mentioned in Celtic literature over two thousand […]

Birthday Centenary of George Mackay Brown…

Born on 17 October 1921, in Stromness, Orkney, George Mackay Brown, “The Bard of Orkney” would be a hundred years old today. We would like to join his many fans all over the world to celebrate this anniversary and pay homage to the great Scottish poet.

As one of the leading Scottish poets and authors […]

Notes about “The Antiquary” by Sir Walter Scott…

Dear readers,

Autumn is back with its gorgeous colours and shorter days. A good time for fireside reading and for me to go on with my promise to Sir Walter Scott to read all his books. A promise that seems to be well on its way though I still feel like the climber at the […]

Ian Hamilton and Scotland’s Stone of Destiny ..

Bonjour Marie-Agnes, Janice et Jean-Claude ! 🙂 Hello again from Scotland !

Is there, I wonder, any more romantic story in all of our country’s modern history than the tale of ‘The Stone’ – how at Christmas 1950 Ian Hamilton (b.1925) and some young friends removed Scotland’s Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey to […]