
March 2025
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Stunning Aurora Borealis Pictures in Scotland

A snippet from an article on about increasing chances of seeing Aurora Borealis in Scotland, Northern Ireland and northern England

Breathtaking pictures!

British Geological Survey, Aurorawatch UK and US body Space Weather Prediction Centre have all reported heightened opportunities of spotting the aurora.

It is due to recent activity on the surface of the sun.

Aurora Highlands Scotland BBC

The aurora is caused by the interaction of solar wind and Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere.

The aurora is caused by the interaction of solar wind – a stream of charged particles escaping the Sun – and Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere.

When weather conditions are favourable, Scotland, northern England and Northern Ireland offer some of the best places to observe the aurora or Northern Lights as the phenomenon is often known.

BBC Weather has said the aurora could be visible from east Scotland, Northern Ireland and northern England on Wednesday night, adding that it would be “fairly cloudy elsewhere”.


Here’s another snippet of related article with some more fantastic pictures!

Sightings of the Aurora Borealis were made from Scotland on Wednesday night.

Photographs of the Northern Lights were taken from Caithness, Moray and Aberdeenshire.

Chances of seeing the aurora have been heightened by activity on the sun’s surface

aurora borealis by skywatcher Scotland

Photo: Skywatcher’s BBC Weather Watchers from Lossiemouth in Moray

When weather conditions are favourable, Scotland, northern England and Northern Ireland offer some of the best places to observe the aurora or Northern Lights as the phenomenon is often known.

Karen Munro Photo Aurora Borealis

Photo by Karen Munro as seen from Castletown in Caithness

Karen Munro Aurora Borealis Photography

Photo by Karen Munro as seen from Castletown in Caithness

Among those who photographed the aurora on Wednesday night were Karen Munro, in Caithness, and contributors to the BBC’s Weather Watchers.


I’ve always been fascinated by the aurora borealis and only had the chance of seeing it once in my lifetime so far. It was in the province of Quebec, Canada on a camping night in the region of beautiful Gaspésie on the St-Lawrence river side….what a WOW MOMENT!!

It is quite an experience and wish many of our scottish friends and their northern Irish and northern British neigbors will have the opportunity to witness many similar astounding sky scenes today and in the future.

The northern lights are truly an awesome sight for casual stargazers and professional photographers alike!


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